We understand that renting privately isn't always feasible for many individuals due to various access barriers and challenges. These include high upfront costs, concerns about affordability, insecurity, substandard living conditions, and complex application requirements from agents.
Our mission is to make quality accommodation in the Private Rented Sector accessible to everyone and to provide the necessary support to help you maintain your tenancy successfully.
Did you know that our floating support services are available not only to Smartmove tenants but to anyone who currently rents or plans to rent through another agent or landlord?
You can still access our advice and support line, tenancy sustainment intervention programs, and gain access to financial aid towards deposits or rents in advance. We're here to assist you in securing and maintaining a successful tenancy.
Regardless of who you rent from, we are committed to providing support to all tenants in need.
If you're interested in any of our services, would like to make a client referral or would like to discuss becoming a tenant, feel free to give us a call or drop us an email to discuss all available options:
Alternatively, you can arrange a call back from a member of our team by completing our online inquiry form: